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Meet our MGUA Career Day Raffle Winner:

Nikita Yarkov

Everyone who visited MGUA Career Day which took place in Moscow, April 5th, had a chance to take part in free course raffle at the Pericles' stand.

We are happy to present Nikita Yarkov, our new raffle winner, who is entitled to take a free legal course at Pericles.

My name is Nikita Sergeevich Yarkov. I am a second year student of Moscow State Law Academy of Business - Law Institute. I would like to take your courses in order to work in international consulting, communicate with interesting people and be able to understand legal systems of other countries better.

English plays a very important role in my professional life as well as in my future.

I am fond of basketball. English will help me understand American commentators while watching matches.

Nikita Yarkov

Congratulations Nikita, and good luck!


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Questions about our Legal Courses? Give us a call 8 (495) 649-22-73 or write us an email