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Marina Vzyankina
Student of the Month
February 2001

Our February Student of the Month is Marina Vzyankina. Marina is studying at the Institute of International Trade and Law with a specialization in Business Law, and is expected to graduate with honors this June. This however is not why she is our Student of the Month. The reason is very simple. Last March Marina took our exam to receive a scholarship to study law in Europe through the University of San Diego (USD). Well, Marina got the second highest score on the exam. Out of a choice of 7 universities (Barcelona, Dublin, Florence, London, Oxford, Paris, and Russia) Marina chose to attend the law program in London, and not only did she do above average in the course but she returned to a great position as a legal intern at White and Case, one of the top law firms in the world. Plus, a little bit of personal information: While in London Marina met and fell in love with an American law student in the USD program. Now they are engaged to be married and Marina has applied to the Juris Doctorate program at Cornell University School of Law in Ithaca New York this September. Pericles would like to congratulate a very bright and intelligent woman on her success so far and on her engagement and we wish her all the happiness, success and fortune for years to come!