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Alexander Loupachev
Student of the Month
May 2002

GMAT score: 750
TOEFL score: 297

In order to start the summer off properly, we have chosen yet another student of the month who represents all that would make any institute proud to call him a student. Alexander Loupachev is one of those students and when you are done reading what we have to say about him you will see why we have chosen him as our May Student of the Month.

Alexander is a graduate of MGIMO where he received his diploma in International Economic Relations in 1997. Today he works for Accnture, an international management consulting company, where he is a manager of the strategic services group. After many years of working Alexander realized that there was more out there, which is what led him to the decision to get an MBA.

After deciding on studying for an MBA, Alexander learned that he had to take the GMAT exam, which is what brought him to Pericles. After studying in our course he went on to get, what may seem unthinkable, a 750 on the GMAT. WOW! In addition to that score, we feel it necessary to mention that Alexander took the TOEFL exam and received a 297. With a 750 on the GMAT and a 297 on the TOEFL what school would not accept him? We think none.

After taking TOEFL and GMAT it was then time to start choosing some programs that best fit his needs and goals. Some of the schools that he applied to where Harvard, Wharton, Columbia, and INSEAD, all of which accepted him into the program. Now came the tough part of deciding which one was the best for him. And the winner is Harvard.

Alexander has decided on Harvard. He is planning on paying for his education with personal funding and CitiAssist loan from HBS www.hbs.edu. After graduating Alexander would like to get a job in Investment Banking.

Alexander we at Pericles know that you will do great at Harvard and we would like to first, congratulate you on your achievements and second, say that we enjoyed having you as a student and we wish you luck at B-school and after!