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Ivan Moshkov is
our July 2006 Student of the Month



Our student of the month for July is Ivan Moshkov, an honor student in our LL.M. program. Congratulations Ivan!

Ivan joined Pericles LL.M. program in the fall of 2004 after taking Professor Lissniak's negotiations course, and he has gotten some of the top grades in the LL.M. program ever since. This past semester he was particularly busy, taking three courses and managing to get two A's and a B+, while at the same time changing his job, and having a baby. Ivan and Natalia Moshkov's daughter Sophia was born on June 22 nd . So we decided that, particularly for this last achievement (although something we really can't take credit for teaching him) Ivan deserved to be elected student of the month.

Ivan has always been interested in learning. His first diploma was in engineering, and then he took a one year post-graduate program in business before finally deciding on law as a career. He graduated from the Law Faculty of St. Petersburg State University and worked for several years in a law firm here before very recently taking his current position in the legal department of Renova Capital. He says that his work at Renova involves legal review of all transactions with foreign counterparts and seems to be the type of work that he wanted and has been preparing for since he entered Pericles LL.M. Program. And of course now he has a real incentive to succeed in his new position.

With 32 credit hours under his belt and only 4 more credits (approximately 2 courses) needed before he graduates, it is our guess that Ivan is planning to slow down his studying for the coming year, (an option available in the Pericles LL.M. program for those who are busy at work or family). But we are waiting now to see Ivan among our list of graduates for 2007.

Again Ivan, congratulations to you and Natalia on the new arrival. Your friends at Pericles wish you every success in academics, career and family life.