Pericles Account - Terms and Conditions


1. Upon application you must pay a 9000 rouble Deposit, which will be credited toward your course cost. This Deposit is NOT REFUNDABLE unless you are denied a place in the course. No place will be reserved in a course until the Deposit is paid. Full cost of Pericles courses range from 24500 roubles to 118,000 roubles, depending on the length and complexity of the course, and whether the student is in our Ll.M. program, is applying as an individual or is sent by a company. If you do not hear from a Pericles staff member to confirm your course cost after registration, please reach out and contact us.

2. All remaining tuition payments must be made in cash roubles or via bank transfer prior to the first day of the course unless you have been awarded Financial Aid or unless otherwise agreed upon by Pericles management. Tuition left unpaid after the first two weeks, six hours or 1/4 or a course have passed (whichever is earlier) may result in your losing your place in the group.

3. An early enrolment discount of up to 2000 rubles per credit is available on most courses for advanced registrations made before the deadlines set each semester. The early enrollment discount is revoked if the course is not fully paid by the end of the first two weeks, six hours or 1/4 or a course have passed (whichever is earlier).

4. A late payment penalty of 2000 rubles may be applied to all courses that are not paid in full by the end of the first four weeks, twelve hours or 1/2 or a course have passed (whichever is earlier). An additional 2000 ruble late fee may be charged for each additional month or partial month of late payment thereafter.

5. No books and materials will be given out until tuition for a course is fully paid. Course materials are included in the cost of the courses for most courses, including Approaching Legal English, Legal English, Language of Contracts and Legal Writing I; but for some LL.M. courses books and materials may need to be purchased separately.

6. For courses meeting 20 hours or more, students may withdraw by notifying the Registrar in writing at or before the end of the first six hours of the course, may receive a full refund of their fees, excluding the non-refundable Deposit. For courses shorter than 20 hours, no refund will be made after the end of the first class session.

7. Students withdrawing later than the times specified in paragraph 6 will not receive a refund. Students failing to attend classes without formally withdrawing will not receive a refund.

8. At the discretion of the Dean, it may be possible to transfer a course Deposit for a course not taken to a later schedule of the same course, or to another course at a more appropriate academic level. Students failing to attend classes without formally notifying the Registrar of a wish to transfer to another course will not be able to preserve their deposit.

9. If Pericles is paid directly by someone other than the student or has reason to believe that someone other than the student has paid for the student's tuition, Pericles reserves the right to make refunds directly to the paying person or company, or, alternatively, to contact the person or company and inform them that the course has been dropped and a refund made.

10. Students in Good Standing are allowed free use of the Pericles library upon payment of a refundable book/DVD security deposit. The book/DVD security deposits will be forfeited for overdue or damaged books or materials, in accordance with the library policy posted near the reception desk.

11. Test Preparation courses may be repeated by Students in Good Standing, once, free of charge, for up to one year from the date of the course in which the student originally enrolled. Repeating students should enroll in advance to reserve a seat. Test Preparation students may also drop in to repeat classes unofficially, if space is available, without reserving a seat and without using up their one free repeat. (Unofficial repeaters will not have their essays reviewed by the course professors.) Repeat classes will be denied, however, to students with overdue library books or DVDs, who have violated Pericles' Academic Policies, or who are otherwise not in Good Standing.

12. Students in Good Standing who wish to repeat a test preparation course in a group that begins after one year from the start date of their original enrolment may do so upon payment of a new course deposit. No other course charges will be made.

13. A student in “Good Standing” is defined as a student who is up to date on any fees or tuition payments due to Pericles, who is not in violation of Pericles' Academic Policies, and who is not overdue on returning library books or DVDs.


1. Students who are in violation of Pericles' Academic Policies listed in this section will lose their status as Students in Good Standing until the violation is corrected to the satisfaction of the Dean. Serious violations may result in removal from a class, prevention from completing a course or prevention from taking other courses with no refund given.

2. Students are expected to comply with the Honor Code when taking any course that leads to a grade or degree. The Honor Code means that all students are expected to complete their course work independently of each other and without unauthorized help; to confess to their own violations of the Honor Code; and to report conduct of any other student that appears to be in violation of the Honor Code. Violations of the Honor Code are more specifically set forth in the Code itself, which is available upon request.

3. Students should respect the rights of other students, of the faculty and staff, and of the school. Students must not take or intentionally damage property of other students, the faculty, staff or school; must not be physically or verbally abusive to other students, faculty or staff; must not disrupt classes; and must not be adversely under the influence of drugs or alcohol while on school property.

4. Students who damage or lose, whether intentionally or accidentally, the property of other students, faculty, staff or the school, or who injure other students, faculty or staff, are expected to promptly and adequately compensate the harmed party.

5. Professors are prohibited from dating or entering into personal relationships with students whom they are instructing or supervising, or with whom there is a possibility of their instructing or supervising in the future. Students likewise must not date or enter into personal relationships with their professors. Professors may not give or accept any gifts, favors or personal invitations from students, apart from nominal gifts or favors, or invitations that are extended to or from the entire class. Professors may not perform or enter into agreements to perform personal services or legal consulting work with students or students’ companies without Pericles permission.

6. Students must provide accurate information on applications for admission and financial aid.

7. Repeated violation of other school policies, as they may be announced from time to time, or repeated refusal to comply with requests of Pericles' faculty or staff, is also considered an Academic Policy violation.


1. Pericles maintains personal information on students and applicants at what we believe to be the minimum amount necessary to ensure our ability to get in touch with our students and applicants, to allow students secure access to on-line course materials, and to ensure accurate recording of grades and course information. We do not collect or retain sensitive information about applicants or students such as ethnicity, political opinion or health records, with the exception of the minimal information required to ensure safety in the classroom.

2. Grades, papers and test results of students will not be released without a student's permission, with the exception that this information will be released to employers if such employer is paying for the student to attend the course about which the information is requested. Student names, telephone numbers and other contact information also will not be released without permission to anyone other than Pericles staff and faculty for school purposes, or to providers of student services such as research databases for the purpose of obtaining access to those services for the student.

3. Pericles maintains an email mailing list for informing students of upcoming events. The addresses on this mailing list are kept private. Pericles does not sell nor otherwise release any information from this mailing list. You may remove yourself from this mailing list by writing to Pericles Admissions Director and requesting removal.

4. According to Russian Law, Pericles maintains student records, including, but not limited to, email addresses, telephone numbers, personal and work addresses, written work submitted for courses, and grading information on a web server located within the Russian Federation. This information is not transferred outside the Russian Federation, although it may be accessed by the applicable professors and students from outside the Russian Federation.

5. Online and bimodal courses are conducted using Zoom. Classes are recorded for the benefit of students who missed class or who need to clarify information from the class. Those recordings are kept on private YouTube links until about six weeks after the end of the course. Then they are deleted from the web, but may be available by personally visiting Pericles' office. By attending the class you consent to use of your image, name and voice in these recordings. You further agree that you will use these links only for the purpose of catching up a missed class or clarifying class information and that you will not repost or distribute the links to the class recordings nor any information from the class recordings. Pericles does not guarantee that a class recording will be available for every class.

6. Pericles endeavours to keep confidential any information you provide to Pericles via email, Pericles website or Pericles learning management system. However, you agree not to hold Pericles responsible for any hacking or other violation of privacy or websecurity that may occur.

7. Pericles has compiled a list of how we believe our service providers such as Zoom and YouTube could use your information from recorded classes. For a copy of this list please check Pericles Moodle site or simply contact us and ask for a copy.

8. You are responsible for keeping your personal data supplied to Pericles updated, and for keeping your password to your Pericles account secure.

9. By registering an account or our website or applying for a course, you consent to your use of your personal data according to these policies.


1. SAFETY Students should understand that the MIRBIS building is a public facility and there have been instances of theft from guests and visitors to the campus. ANO Pericles takes no responsibility for personal items left unattended. If you are the first one in a classroom that is opened for you before a class, please do not leave the classroom until someone else arrives to wait there. Please do not leave classrooms unattended during breaks. Please inform the receptionist if you are the last one to leave a classroom. Please also inform the receptionist if you see any suspicious characters in the hallways or classrooms.

2. COVID-19 POLICY Although Pericles does not, as of August 1, 2022, have a Covid-19 safety policy in place, we reserve the right to reimplement our policy as we deem necessary. The most recent Covid-19 Safety Policy s located here. This policy may be updated from time to time as Covid-19 conditions change. When the policy is in place you must be in compliance with the Covid-19 policy in order to attend classes in person, but may attend online if you do not meet the requirements for in-person attendance. Please also note that in accordance with the Covid-19 policies or any requirements of law, classes may need to be switched from Bi-modal to online only during a semester.

3. MISCELLANEOUS Smoking We are a non-smoking facility. Please take your cigarette breaks outside the building in the designated smoking areas. Cell Phones Please keep all cellular phones turned off, or turned to silent mode during classes. Trash Please pick up your trash and deposit it in the trash cans when you leave class. Gum Please do not chew gum in class and do not leave used gum attached to the furniture.


I understand that by registering through this website I am applying for the course(s) listed in this application and certifying that all the information above is correct to the best of my knowledge, and that I have read and agree to Pericles' Financial and Refund Policies, Academic Policies; Privacy Policies and Other Policies. I further understand that (unless otherwise agreed in writing with Pericles Dean or Pericles Admissions Director) I am committing to pay in full for the courses and that the first 9000 roubles of my payment for each class is a non-refundable deposit that must be paid before my space will be confirmed in the class.

If this is your first Pericles course, a Pericles staff member should confirm receipt of your application by email or phone call to check your English level, clarify any questions regarding your application, ensure that you know the course cost, and tell you the date by which you must pay the balance of your tuition. If you do not receive a call from our staff, please email or call us at +7 (495) 649-2273.

If you are in Moscow, we encourage you to visit us in person. Register online and call us or visit at Marksistskaya St., 34, K7 (1st floor), Moscow. If you prefer, you can pay your deposit in cash and someone can speak with you to check the information on your application and assure that your English ability is sufficient to complete the course.

Policies updated August 2022