The Jessup Summer School program in Moscow is only for law school teams that are planning to participate in the Jessup International Moot Court competition. The scheduled dates are starting Monday, July 22, 2024 ending on Sunday, August 4, 2024.
The program consists of over 100 academic hours of intensive study in Public International Law, Research and Citation, Legal Writing, Plain English Grammar and Style, and Oral Advocacy.
The summer school starts with a mini-moot court problem based on the general topics of this year's Jessup competition. Students are taught to research the issues and will write a fully cited mini-memorial in teams of three, covering at least three of the four Jessup topics that are announced each year. They will then argue in the mini-moot conducted on the last day of the summer school. They will practice video taping and critiquing arguments, and asking and answering questions. Stronger students may be asked to argue different issues in the mini-mmot than the researched and wrote in the mini-memorial, ensuring that they learn at least two of the four Jessup topics before the summer school is over. Students will also be paired for research and writing with students from different schools to build teamworking skills and encourage friendships and the spirit of the Jessup, that will last throughout the coming year's competition. Apart from the serious study, the summer school includes a day of educational games, some evening relaxation activities, fun prizes, and a closing party.
Professors are a mix of native English speakers and experienced Russian Jessup participants and coaches who specialize in international law. Some professors may be online, but students are expected to participate in person unless permisison to attend remotely is granted in advance.
The closing mini-moot is judged by lawyers from the Moscow legal community and online lawyers from abroad. Moscow lawyers judging the competition often extend intenship offers to their preferred participants.
The following topics are taught, entirely in English:
International Law (10-14 clock hours of instruction plus 2-3 hours of practice activities)--Sources and history of Public Int’l law (PIL). Relations between PIL, Private international law and domestic law. Jus cogens and erga omnes norms. The international law of treaties: conclusion; reservations, application, interpretation, amendment and modification, invalidity, termination and suspension. The framework of the United Nations and its Charter, various bodies and their powers. The meaning and importance of being a ‘subject’ of international law. The states, international organizations, people, quasi-states, transnational corporations, and other entities in international law. State immunities. Jurisdiction and standing. State responsibility and its elements. Introduction to HR treaties and instruments, derogations and restrictions. International disputes settlement mechanisms. The ICJ, its statute, history, jurisdiction, powers and relationship with other bodies and entities. Additional international law sessions will be devoted to the specific topics of this year's problem.
Legal Writing (10 clock hours of instruction, plus 4-6 hours of practice activities and individual reviews)—The basics of legal writing & CRE-ARC. Argumentative and other types of legal documents. Using case briefs and how to write them. Macro-organization of argumentative/adversarial documents. The various parts of a persuasive brief, and the use of headings and sub-headings. Writing effective issue statements. Writing argumentative fact statements. Formatting the memorials. Writing the discussion section of a memorial. How to use the “A” in your CRE-ARC to analyze precedents. Effective paragraphing.
Research & Citation (12 clock hours of instruction plus 4-6 hours of practice activities and individual reviews)—Plagiarism and attribution in detail. Finding cases. Using and the dangers or using, Gen-AI for research. Organizing your research: Research plan and outlining. Intro to and training in Lexis (if available in Russia) and Westlaw. How to use free legal research sources and tools. How to collect and analyze facts. Researching International Law: treaties and customary international law. How to use electronic sources to organize your research. Developing a research plan. Boolean searching skills. Introduction of the different case law/court practice and where to find it. How to create and read a legal citation.
Grammar and Writing in Plain English (5 clock hours of instruction plus 4-6 hours of practice activities and individual reviews)-- Writing clear sentences by eliminating excess words: removing glue, fluff and nominalizations, and concentrating on active voice. Punctuating for clarity. Writing clearer sentences. Common grammar errors.
Oral Advocacy & Procedure (20+ clock hours of instruction plus 4-6 hours of practice activities and individual reviews)—Basic mannerisms, expected Jessup introductory language, and courtroom skills. Constructing and orally presenting your arguments. Developing and presenting the theme and theory of your case. Turning theory into practice: dry runs in oral skills & the art of argument. Arguing the facts. Answering questions and handling difficult judges. Taping and critiquing 4 minute arguments in front of former successful Jessup participants.
All participants should bring laptops if possible; tablets if laptops are not available.
Please contact for the latest information if you have registration questions.
Marksistskaya Street, 34 K7 (MIRBIS)
Moscow, Russia 109147
+7 (495)-649-2273