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Eric Welch
Student of the Month
April 2000

Eric Welch is an American lawyer who, while a student in 1997, took East/West Trade and Russian Law in the University of San Diego's Moscow Institute on International & Comparative Law, a program managed in Russia by Pericles. Now Eric is directing international programs for Silicon Valley Launchpad (www.siliconvalleylaunchpad.com) He is commuting between Silicon Valley and Moscow, setting up small business incubators and helping internet technology companies find resources and financing. Looks like the East/West Trade course worked out well for him!

The University of San Diego's Institute on International & Comparative Law, in conjunction with Pericles, is offering competitive scholarships to Russian law students and recently graduated Russian lawyers who want to study in Eric's course or in any of the other courses the Institute offers in Barcelona, London, Oxford, Dublin, Paris. Contact Pericles Dean Marian Dent mdent@pericles.ru or legal assistant Michael Semenov msemenov@pericles.ru for more information.